Part time Job : Business Administration Executive

  • Title: Business Administration Executive
  • Category: Part Time job

Scope of Work:

  1. Responsibility and Handling financial flow and financial report
  2. Responsibility and Handling human resources development
  3. Responsibility and Handling for General Affair


  1. Woman
  2. Background: Administration, management, secretary, and social science
  3. Active and experienced in organizations and committees
  4. Detailing and Meticulous
  5. Has moderate and impressive administrative skills (Ms. Excel, Ms. Power Point, Google Drive)
  6. If the applicant is a female student, preferably who already has reached the final semester or who has no regular lecture schedule.
Company Name ST22 Consulting
Description ST22 Consulting is Management Consultant that focusing our business on : Sponsorship & Partnership Management for Project Owner/Event Promotor/Event Organizer. We provided accompaniment system for project owner, organizer, or event promotor that a whole process (A-Z Management) related with external parties (Sponsor)
Job Category Management
Job type Part Time
Salary Range RP1000000 RP3000000
Application Deadline 02/16/2018


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