Freelance Programmer (Python)

Urgently Needed!

We are developing advanced system to make an impact on AI (artificial intelligence) world collaborating with Japanese headquarter. But we need much more resource to develop function of our big system.


  • Having experience to develop something with Python (for hobby, research, job, etc)
  • Don’t worry even if you don’t have above one!
  • If you have experience in any programming language, you can take the examination to check basic level of Python coding test after short term study about Python.
  • Having mathematics knowledge as high school level
  • Can make programs from easy algorithm
Company Name Grid Indonesia
Description GRID ReNom Indonesia is a company engaged in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Currently we are developing AI framework named ReNom ( and we are looking for talented young talents to enrich ReNom as freelancer programmer.
Industry Accounting Audit Tax Service
Job type Freelance
Salary Range ABOVE RP5000000
Application Deadline 01/23/2017
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