Vendor Management Officer

Pekerjaan :

  • ​Menguasai produk perusahaan dengan baik
  • Memberikan informasi terbaru mengenai produk perusahaan
  • Menjual produk melalui telepon
  • Berkomunikasi dan menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan klien
  • Mudah beradaptasi dan bisa bekerjasama secara team maupun individu
  • Bertanggung jawab atas data klient

Syarat :

  • Minimal pendidikan SMU/SMK/D3/S1
  • Perempuan minimal 20-30 tahun
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
  • Mempunyai rasa percaya diri dan semangat yang tinggi
  • Lokasi Bandung
Company Name Dealoka

Working at dealoka is FUN. We work on cool stuff that we know will eventually make millions of people happy, we have a close family style environment, we support everyone on their tasks and encourage open discussions on our company wide group chats, as long as what your saying isn’t derogatory or offending anyone we, all the way up the management team want to hear it. we have outings, BBQ’s and we have lunch served free of charge with our own home grown Dealoka Chef (you will all get to know him more when you join the team, say hi to Om Ben our chef).

Industry Accounting Audit Tax Service
Job type Graduates
Salary Range RP1000000 RP3000000
Application Deadline 12/31/2016
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