Persyaratan : Pria/Wanita Usia Maks 30 Th Pendidikan Minimal S-1 Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang Human Resources (HRD) Mengerti Peraturan ketenagakerjaan Company Name PT. Suvarna Media Informatik
JOB DESCRIPTION : Melakukan implementasi sistem Menganalisa lebih lanjut kebutuhan user terkait dengan sistem Menganalisa Request User terkait dengan implemntasi sistem Melakukan Quality Control pada
What is HartLogic Event? Pursuing the vision of HartLogic, “Supporting Entrepreneurs around the world”, gives some distinct challenges for the team. We, HartLogic, have prepared the missions to b
Responsibilities : Update and Maintenance data and reporting for Business Development. Simple Request for other department – Customers Insight, Pricing, Marketing communication. Perform market analy
Call for Intern PT Veloz Productivity Consulting is a Jakarta-based management consulting firm founded in Indonesia since 2013. We are inviting young, bright, and ambitious Indonesian talents to join
PT. SUVARNA MEDIA INFORMATIKA, Perusahaan yang bergerak di Infomasi teknologi, membuka kesempatan bagi anda untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai tenaga Software Programmer, dengan kualifikasi sebagai
planning, developing and implementing PR strategies; communicating with colleagues and key spokespeople; liaising with, and answering enquiries from media, individuals and other organisations, often v
Beasiswa BCA PPTA – PPTI PPA (Program Pendidikan Akuntansi) dan PPTI (Program Pendidikan Teknik Informatika). PPA dan PPTI merupakan program CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) yang diselengg
HartLogic Initiator is a self-development program which involves in Real Life Professional Experience, personal improvement, and entrepreneurship with a social heart. This team has the responsibility