Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan : 1. Membuat laporan jurnal umum, Laba Rugi / Neraca laporan bulanan dan Neraca laporan tahunan. 2. Menginput Transaksi (Jurnal Umum & Petty cash) 3. memeriksa transaksi-t
What you will Get : Gain experience in UX and UI development with this paid internship position, Fast paced and friendly team, Work with a team in product development, Exciting role in a cutting edge
REQUIREMENTS: 1. Candidate must be at least in 3rd semester 2. Understand and able to operate Adobe Photoshop or ilustrator, Adobe After Effect, Adobe Premiere 3. Have good undertsanding to operate
Hi, we are Skytree Digital, an ever-growing tech company looking for some talented students for our apprenticeship programs! We are looking for superpowered students and misfits who are enthusiastic a
What you will Get : Gain experience in android/ios development with this paid internship position, Fast paced and friendly team, Work with a team in product development, Exciting role in a cutting
Dibutuhkan segera Programmer (Bisa Part Time, Bisa Freelance) Syarat: – Menguasai HTML5, PHP, MySQL – Menguasai UI/UX – Pria / Wanita, minimum pendidikan SMK/SMA, Diutamakan lulusan
Apakah kamu adalah seorang yang suka menulis? Memiliki kemampuan jurnalistik yang baik? Suka meliput suatu berita? Kalau kamu memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup luas, kreatif, punya mobilitas tinggi dan
You believe that software test engineering is way more than just implementing test cases. You know that designing and implementing great, scalable, automated testing is as hard, challenging, and valua
Greeting from PT Cantika Puspa Pesona! PT Cantika Puspa Pesona is a salon and spa service company including franchise business which is part of the Martha Tilaar Group. We’re kindly be informed