Frontend Developer

Job Description

We are looking for a Frontend Developer who is motivated to combine the art of design with the art of programming. Responsibilities will include implementing visual elements and their behaviors with user interactions. You will be bridging the gap between the visual elements (marvelapp mock up) and the server-side infrastructure, taking an active role on both sides, and defining how the application looks and functions.

To be more specific, this is more or less what responsibilities will be:

  • Translate marvelapp mockup into a working HTML & CSS code
  • Develop web applications using Angular 5 (mostly the frontend side).
  • Develop mobile applications using React Native (mostly the frontend side).
  • Develop all necessary validations for input fields for the application.
  • Develop animation, transitions & interaction for the UI elements.
  • Develop all the necessary smart & dumb components for the application.
  • Would be great if you can develop and test all the necessary model/reducer/effects/services for the application as well.
Company Name Bagubagu Studio
Description we design and develop apps
Job Category Software Development
Job type Magang
Salary Range RP1000000 RP3000000
Application Deadline 06/29/2018


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