Freelance Videografer

PT. Sinergia Internasional Edutama membuka kesempatan berkarir sebagai  Videografer

Persyaratan :

·         Laki-laki / Perempuan

·         S1 Multimedia / Desain Komunikasi Visual / Broadcasting / jurusan lain yang relevan

·         Mempunyai pengalaman di bidang videografer

·         Sabar dan bertanggung jawab

·         Berintegritas tinggi

·         Area kerja di Jakarta

Company Name Sinergia Worldwide Education
Description Sinergia Worldwide Education is an organization which emphasizes quality education, provides various services for the people of Indonesia has global competence. Sinergia provides education supports for formal/informal students, teacher and people who love education with the academic and ethical foundation necessary to excel in school and in life. Our school’s programs focus sharply on an early acquisition of fundamental skills in the core subjects of English, Math, Science and Social studies, beside have strong character and leadership.
Job Category Multi-media
Job type Freelance
Salary Range RP1000000 RP3000000
Application Deadline 12/14/2017


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