1. Monthly Tax Compliance
2. Bisa membuat Laporan keuangan
3. Mengerti SOP Perusahaan
4. Melakukan pembayaran via Klik bisnis
5. Mengerti Payroll dan PPh 21
6. Bertanggung jawab dan dapat diandalkan
Company Name | PT. Mid Solusi Nusantara (Sleekr) |
Description | Sleekr is a HR and Accounting Software as a Service company which is based in Jakarta. We help company to manage their Human Resources Management and Accounting. We look for people who want to grow together with us, we provide place to learn a new thing every single day. Right now, we are looking for more awesomeness to join us as our next sleekr-mate.
Yes, we are a start-up company and we always encourage every single person in our team to keep improving and work with happiness! |
Job Category | Financial Manager & Accounting |
Job type | Magang |
Salary Range | RP1000000 RP3000000 |
Application Deadline | 09/30/2017 |