Data Science Instructor, Junior

  • Assist course producer to create course materials
  • Delivered workshop when course producer is not available
  • Assist to answer data science related question and problem from Algoritma student
  • Assist to answer  data science related question and problem from Algoritma corporate partner
  • Work with Algoritma Business Development team to attend meetings
  • Assist course producer to analyze data from various industries of Algoritma corporate partner.


  • Bachelor’s degree in area related but not limited to: mathematics, computer science, information technology, and finance
  • GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
  • Have natural curiosity and desire to learn
  • Leadership abilities, initiative, creativity, integrity, technical excellence, and strong interpersonal and communication skills (verbal and written)
  • Ability to work independently and in a group
  • Exposed to statistical or computational programming and databases is a must
  • Experienced with R or Python will be a plus
  • Strong analytical skills, Data Management, Data Mining, Data Science, Machine learning and Statistics skills
  • Interest or experience in data analytics, computer science, mathematics, statistics, economics, operations research, computational social science, quantitative finance, engineering or other data analysis field.
Company Name Algoritma
Description Algoritma is founded with the purpose of making data science accessible to everybody. We organise programming workshops and data science bootcamps that adopt a learn-by-building approach suited to beginners and non-programmers.
Job Category Business Analyst & Data Analyst
Job type Full Time
Salary Range ABOVE RP5000000
Application Deadline 10/31/2017


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