We are hiring Talent Management Officer to join us in this amazing journey and gain various experiences. Requirements : Fresh graduate with min. GPA of 3.0 Fluent in English (verbal and written) Famil
MARKETING EKSEKUTIF KODE: ME 1. Fresh graduate 2. Punya pengalaman bisnis atau mau belajar bisnis 3. Memiliki passion marketing & sales 4. Melek social media 5. Skill public speaking baik 6. Siap
ADMIN: KODE: ADM 1. Usia maksimal 23 tahun 2. Lulusan SMA/SMK 3. Mampu menggunakan Ms. Office 4. Mampu mengendarai motor 5. Memiliki laptop 6. Jujur, teliti, dan bertanggungjawab Company Name PT. INFI
KEPALA CABANG KODE:KC 1. Fresh graduate atau menunggu kelulusan 2. Laki-laki 3. Siap ditempatkan di cabang sampai dengan bulan Juli 2017 4. Mampu mengajar Tes Potensi Akademik atau Tes Bahasa Inggris
Update product information and content on the website Update content managed areas (copy & artwork) Investigate and report any operational/technical issues arising Company Name DEALOKA – (PT
URGENTLY NEEDED JP Group, a fast growing tax and accounting consultants is looking for highly self-motivated, initiative and proactive professionals to join the firm as: ACCOUNTING CONSULTANT Job Des
Jadilah bagian dari keluarga besar kami ! Kroepoek Waroeng membutuhkan: MARKETING STAFF untuk area Jakarta. S&K: 1. Perempuan 2. Dapat menulis dan berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris 3. Bisa menggunaka
We’re looking to add more family member, let’s have fun and be productive together. This position is a full-time/part-time/internship position. Responsibilities: – The role is responsi
Job Title IT WEB PROGRAMMER Job Description Male/Female Maximum 30 years old Candidate must possess at least Bachelor Degree Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent Required Skill: Com
Job Title Account Executive & Sales Corporate Job Description Male/Female Maximum 27 years old Good Looking Candidate must possess at least Bachelor Degree (Prefer in field: Communication/Manage