Freelancer Data-Entry MSW Global

freelance data entry
Job Title
Freelancer Data-Entry MSW Global
Job Description Dibutuhkan segera: DATA ENTRYJob description: Mengetik data



  1. Bisa mengetik cepat (10 jari)
  2. Bersedia bekerja per project
  3. Bekerja di kantor (karena data tidak bisa dibawa pulang)
  4. Jam kerja 09:00-18:00 (ada jam istirahat)


Company Name
MSW Global
Company Description MSW Global is a Marketing and Public Relations company. We can be your pipeline to various industries here in Indonesia, especially Education. MSW Global aims to be clients’ right partner to achieve their marketing needs in Community buildling, Media Coverage, Social Media and Events Management.
Opening type Freelance
City Jakarta
Salary Range Below Rp1,000,000
Application Deadline 31-1-2016
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