Collaboration opportunities by joining IdeaFest 2015 impactful team!
Let’s be our volunteer in #IdeaFest2015 on Aug 7-8 2015 in Jakarta Convention Center with the easy requirements
You are:
1. social media user
2. 16-23 years old
3. able to work in team
4. commited & flexible
5. passion for creative field
6. and able to operate Mic. Office
we need:
1. 1 person ticketing coordinator
2. 12 persons ticketing crew
3. 1 person registration coordinator
4. 4 persons registration crew
5. 4 persons logistic crew
– Your own special edition volunteer T-shirt (must be worn at all times when on duty)
– An opportunity to meet inspirational peoples and also get a lot of inspirations, have fun, make friends, and give back to your community!
So, what are you waiting for?
Please contact
Wilsen: 081214798909
or Prima: 081210565956
Let’s be the part of our impactful team!