Kami sedang membutuhkan candidate Graphic Designer yang mau bekerja keras, kreatif, dan selalu ingin belajar.
Job Description :
1. Membuat design banner dan photo untuk kebutuhan website marketing
2. Membuat content marketing untuk keperluan promosi produk dan perusahaan
Requirements :
1. Pria dan wanita, magang, max 25 tahun
2. Menguasi adobe photoshop, corel draw, video editing
3. Mempunyai pengalaman dalam membuat content marketing untuk keperluan kampus
4. Berdomisili di Jakarta
Company Name | Momentous Instrumindo PT |
Description | Momenetous Instrumindo started in 2010, with our founder’s more than 10 years of experience and passion to fulfill our customers needs for process measurement and control. We provide a wide range of products and have good knowledge on our products application.
Our specialization is in pressure and temperature instruments that serve in many different kinds of industry. VISION : The world leader of instrumentation company |
Industry | Art Design Fashion |
Job type | Magang |
Salary Range | RP1000000 RP3000000 |
Application Deadline | 05/22/2017 |