Reseller YoExplore – Digital Marketing Internship

Lokasi: Seluruh Indonesia

Reseller YoExplore

Program Reseller YoExplore adalah program yang kami kembangkan untuk mendukung sistem ekonomi berbagi demi memaksimalkan dampak sosial ekomi yang positif di masyarakat melalui penciptaan peluang usaha. Menjadi Reseller YoExplore berarti Anda ikut mempromosikan pariwisata Indonesia. Saatnya belajar digital marketing sambil mendapatkan penghasilan.

Bergabung menjadi Reseller YoExplore, promosikan aktivitas wisata dan paket tour untuk destinasi Indonesia dan Asia, dan nikmati ragam manfaat berikut:

  • Komisi 6% untuk setiap penjualan yang terjadi melalui tautan (link) yang memuat ID Reseller Anda.
  • Kami sediakan ragam kupon atau program potongan untuk membantu meningkatkan penjualan Anda.
  • Akses ke materi promosi: gambar, banner, dan logo.
  • Anda dapat mempromosikan laman utama atau laman produk.

Tertarik. Daftar Langsung di

Pelatihah Digital Marketing melalui Affiliasi dilakukan setiap hari Sabtu jam 10:00 WIB di kantor YoExplore (By appoitment only) atau secara online.

Company Name YoExplore Digital Indonesia
Description We are a social technology enterprise that exists to support individuals or other organizations/enterprise in developing their online marketplace platform for a better impact to the society

Our Vision

Our vision is to become the chosen partner of individuals or organizations/enterprise in Asia in developing their online marketplace platform in a more effective way.
Our Mission
Now creating your online marketplace business is at your fingertip!

Why are we doing this?
At YoExplore, we want to:

  1. We believe that our online marketplace platform is a way to disrupt the way people develop their technology platform. By using our product, anyone who wants to start their business in multi-store/multi-vendor E-Commerce can start using the platform within less than 14 days (instead of months of the development process).
  2. Our technology will be dedicated for those who wants to focus on their business development without being worried about the technology issues.
  3. Using our technology platform will let our partner have the assurance of continuous support within a year.
  4. Our pricing platform will allow our anyone with the limited budget to start their business or to improve their market size through an online platform.
Industry Travel Tourism
Job type Freelance
Salary Range RP1000000 RP3000000
Application Deadline 04/30/2017
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