Web Based Programmer

WnW Teknodigie needs young creative and dedicative people who understanding and perhaps mastering in web coding, PHP, MySQL, Java Script, HTML5 and many more to become our Web Based Programmer

  1. Male
  2. Max 28 years old
  3. Creative
  4. Have “Want To, Can Do and Learner” attitude
  5. Abilty to keep working without supervision

Just drop your CV and resume, we will contact you not more than 7 days if you fullfill our requirements

Company Name WnW Teknodigie
Description We are a highly demanding company who focusing in all in one developing systems which become a premier needs from several industries, such as hospitality, OTA, Financial, Nautical Area Business, etc

And we believe that every employees are truly important for our enjoyful working culture.

Join now and see for yourself

Young People, Future Development!

Job Category IT – Webmaster & SEO
Job type Full Time
Salary Range ABOVE RP5000000
Application Deadline 12/10/2018


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