HartLogic Ambassador

What is HartLogic?

HartLogic is an entrepreneurship platform which supports the entrepreneurs around the world by developing entrepreneurs and building companies. HartLogic’s vision is supporting entrepreneurs around the world with “Kita Wujudkan, Sekarang.” as the official tagline.

Read more about our company here:  company.hartlogic.com

Apa yang HartLogic Ambassador dapatkan:

  • Belajar disiplin dan bertanggung jawab (Attitude);
  • Belajar memimpin, teamwork, mengambil keputusan, membuat social event, public speaking/presentasi, dan lain-lain (Leadership Skill – Management Skill);
  • Mengenali diri (passion), membuat CV, menghadapi interview kerja, dan lain-lain ;
  • Mengenal para mentor dan network yang dimiliki oleh para mentor (Networking Skill).
  • Money compensation for promoting service

Apa yang HartLogic Ambassador lakukan:

  • User experience survey sebulan sekali
  • Training & Gathering sebulan sekali
  • Mengumpulkan informasi dan mempublikasikannya di HartLogic for People
  • Membuat satu Event

PERSYARATAN HartLogic Ambassador:

  • Mahasiswa/Mahasiswi D3/S1 dari Universitas / Politeknik / STIE di seluruh wilayah Indoensia diutamakan wilayah JABODETABEK;
  • Mahasiswa / Mahasiswi berstatus AKTIF, belum lulus atau wisuda hingga bulan Juni 2018
  • Memiliki IPK minimal 3.0 ;
  • Wajib menghadiri semua proses seleksi awal dan interview penerimaan calon HL Ambassador (disesuaikan dengan jadwal masing-masing) ;
  • Wajib menghadiri First Monthly Meeting pada tanggal, tanpa terkecuali atau alasan (apabila diterima sebagai HartLogic Ambassador, undangan dikirimkan via email).
  • Memiliki komitmen untuk belajar, berpartisipasi dan mengaplikasi ilmu/materi yang diperoleh melalui Mentorship Program HartLogic Ambassador.
Company Name HartLogic
Description HartLogic began in 2012 by solving business problems as a successful technology, creative and media consultant. Today, HartLogic devoted to develop entrepreneurs by doing people development, event management, and consulting. HartLogic’s vision is supporting entrepreneurs around the world with “Kita Wujudkan, Sekarang.” as the official tagline. HartLogic’s employees are dedicated to supporting entrepreneurs on earth and to execute new ideas of social and business solutions.

HartLogic is not a conventional organization, we collaborate to win together.
– Bernhart Farras, Founder of HartLogic.

About HartLogic

HartLogic is an entrepreneurship platform which supports the entrepreneurs around the world by developing entrepreneurs and building companies. HartLogic’s vision is supporting entrepreneurs around the world with “Kita Wujudkan, Sekarang.” as the official tagline. In fact, everything we do — from the global <a href=”http://www.hartlogic.com/insights”>Insights</a> to the multinational entrepreneur’s <a href=”http://www.hartlogic.com/community”>community</a>, from our <a href=”http://www.hartlogic.com/events”>events</a> to our <a href=”http://products.hartlogic.com/”>products</a>, from our <a href=”http://incubator.hartlogic.com/”>Incubator</a> to our <a href=”http://ventures.hartlogic.com/”>ventures</a> — is driven by this goal: How can we give the best support for entrepreneurs?

Our Mission

HartLogic is committed to supporting entrepreneurs by creating new connections, enabling collaborations, improving personal skills, providing knowledge, and building companies.

Company Information

  • HartLogic founder is Bernhart Farras. HartLogic started out in the bedroom of founder Bernhart Farras in 2012.
  • HartLogic running the organization by doing people development, event management, and consulting.
  • In 2015 <a href=”http://company.hartlogic.com/hartlogic-reborn/”>HartLogic reborn </a>created from a collaboration of Java Indonesia Clothes, Learn to Share Academy, HartLogic Media, HartLogic Technology and HartLogic Creative with supporting business as the vision of HartLogic.
  • In 2016 HartLogic transformation. Our organization transformed the vision from supporting business to supporting entrepreneurs around the world.
  • The site officially launched on May 20th, 2016 as the official founding date of HartLogic. At the end of the first year in operation, HartLogic had a total of 1,500 members.
Job Category Other
Job type Full Time
Salary Range BELOW RP1000000
Application Deadline 10/31/2017
Send CV to recruitment@hartlogic.com


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