Graphic Designer – Internship

Requirements :

  1. Available for six months internship program
  2. Candidate must possess Bachelor’s Degree in Art/Design/Creative Multimedia
  3. Understanding in Social Media Marketing is a plus
  4. Good skill in photography is a plus
  5. Required skills : Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe After Effect, Indesign, 3Ds Max, etc
  6. Have your own laptop
  7. Creative, responsible and independent

We offer flexible working environment.

Company Name PT. Gamorugi Gober Gemilang
Description PT. Gamorugi Gober Gemilang adalah startup yang bergerak dibidang digital advertising untuk Food & Beverages. Kami mendevelop sebuah digital platform di mobile application yang bernama Gamorugi. Saat ini aplikasi Gamorugi sudah tersedia di Playstore dan kedepannya akan terus berkembang.
Job Category Graphic
Job type Magang
Salary Range BELOW RP1000000
Application Deadline 02/09/2018


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