Account Executive (Internship)

Account Executive (Internship)

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Jakarta, Indonesia


About SociaBuzz


SociaBuzz connects businesses with social media influencers to create word-of-mouth marketing campaigns in Instagram, Blogs, Twitter & YouTube.

Our mission is to help businesses grow and become more famous; and to help +10.000 influencers & content creators make a living out of their passion.


·         Terbuka untuk Mahasiswa semester akhir, diutamakan jurusan Public Relation/Advertising/ Communication dengan reputable University.

·         Good personality and attitude

·         Mampu bekerja under-pressure

·         Percaya diri dan dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik

·         Mampu bekerja secara tim dan individu


·         Mencari prospect klien

·         Membuat dan mengatur jadwal meeting dengan klien

·         Menemani Account Executive atau Account Manager meeting dengan klien

·         Membuat Minute of Meeting

·         Monitor Campaign

·         Orientasi terhadap target yang diberikan oleh perusahaan



Company Name (PT Komunika Lintas Maya)
Description SociaBuzz is a leading influencer marketing company providing services, platform & network to help marketers create word-of-mouth marketing campaigns in social media by collaborating with internet influencers.

An industry pioneer, SociaBuzz has one of the most comprehensive and largest influencer networks in Indonesia across Instagram, Twitter, Blog & YouTube, including celebrities, social media stars, bloggers, content creators, publishers, etc.

We at SociaBuzz believe in leveraging on the power of word-of-mouth marketing and creative technologies to drive measurable results for our clients and convert their audiences into consumers.

Job Category Marketing – Digital & Online
Job type Magang
Salary Range BELOW RP1000000
Application Deadline 09/25/2017
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